Hawaiian issues matter
Everyone can vote in OHA — Vote: ALAPA, LUANA for Moloka‘i Resident Trustee
We need to resolve the policy issues surrounding the land settlement, which was reached in 2013, and the development plans for Kaka‘ako. This is an urban area that is currently sitting undeveloped, therefore we must help people understand that it is in the interest of the beneficiaries to optimize development. OHA should shift focus to revenue generation. Though OHA is not in the development business, Kaka‘ako Makai should be turned into a masterpiece of live/work/play development.
As an OHA Trustee, we have been in dialogue with DHHL to explore housing development projects, such as Kupuna housing. Though we are still in the early stages of planning, we are considering various types of structures like tiny homes, prefab/pre-cut homes, or modular homes, which are definitely more affordable for our Lāhui.
Expediting home ownership for Hawaiian beneficiaries is crucial, as the exodus of Hawaiians to the mainland continues to increase each year.
Grow it.
During the pandemic, I witnessed first-hand the dependency on outside import of food products (as well as the rest of the state) and saw how quickly food shortage developed. The desire to see self-sustenance amongst our people strengthened my resolve as I realized serious attention should be focused on sustainable agriculture not just on Moloka‘i but throughout our Hawaiian Islands. I believe a comprehensive policy should be in place relating to how OHA and DHHL can ensure food security for its beneficiaries in the coming years.
We must continue to grow the trust trough our investments. This, along with collaborations, will help assist Hawaiian families as first-time home buyers with down payments for their new homes. Leveraging both state and private resources, and exploring innovative housing solutions to meet the needs of the Hawaiian community is my passion and goal.

Fact: All State of Hawai‘i registered voters, regardless of race, ethnicity have the right and duty to vote for OHA Trustees. OHA is everyone’s business and only you can keep the integrity OHA has built during the last 3 years in this State Agency created for Native Hawaiians.